Wednesday, March 26


Well, I passed my motherfucking senior project and high school graduation is imminent. This is getting me as excited as hell to be done with school once and for all( maybe ), but I'm also somewhat scared of what comes after it. It seems so cliche and lame to be afraid of the real world, an I'm not. I can't wait to have some freedom and live somewhat better than I do now. But I know that within a week, any hopeful, naive notions I may have had will be shattered. At this point I'm locked in to at least a year off college, which puts workforce in my direct path. This is probably worse than 4 more years of ( albeit more difficult, but more relevant ) school. It's gonna happen and I'm going to go on turning a blind eye until I'm wearing that cap and gown, walking in for a janitorial position.

I was so excited to be done with the project, but the realizations and thoughts it forces me to examine are enough to bring me very down to earth.

Regardless, in world news; Presidential campaign slanderfests continue, and I've all but tuned it out. Not much else has happened since last post on a wide scale.

On less depressing personal notes; 8 bits are still enough, and TUI RPGs a still a bitch. I found out last night that my RPG has to have exploration elements along with combat. Maybe. I'll get combat mode done before I make another mode. Black metal? I think I may have a phase coming up; the Summoning, Wolves in the Throneroom, not sure.

Top albums for the past however long it's been:

  • Sigur Ros - Hvarf/Heim
  • Crystal Castles - S/T
  • Justice - †
  • As Tall As Lions - Into the Flood, S/T
  • Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?
  • 65daysofstatic - The Distant And Mechanised Glow Of Eastern European Dance Parties
  • Band of Horses - Everything All the Time
  • She Likes Cloth - TBA

Albums For Today:

Yndi Halda - Enjoy Eternal Bliss
Post-Rock | Rock
Release Date: 2005

Birdsongs of the Mesozoic - Sonic Geology
Post-Rock | Experimental | Progressive
Release Date: 1988

An album based off the dinosaur scene from Fantasia.

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