Monday, February 18


The best of pictures aren't taken in studios with staged poses and lighting setups, they're taken in the world, of the real world, embracing the surroundings into a frame, instead of blindly avoiding it and substituting for it. The best of music isn't necessarily recorded at ultra h-fi, mastered by a platinum producer. The best painting isn't to be found on Hallmark cards. The difference between craft and art is becoming starkly apparent to me. Making something fucntional and nice to look at, solely striving for aesthetic, is a craft. I personally believe the term "art" implies a content beyond the aesthetic, a presence of deeper meaning. Of course, you're more likely to get your perspective across if it's nicely packaged and appealing, but is that the most truthful representation of it? Simplistic honest art is so commonplace, and in that reality is its beauty, taking art out of the hands of the pretentious ones resting in their New York lofts.
"Fidelity is a notion that at its most abstract level implies a truthful connection to a source or sources."

1 comment:

Cody S. said...

Interesting post...I would tend to agree fully based solely on the music industry alone. I dont know the first thing about other forms of art in any scholastic or even just enthusiast standpoint, but I could very easily see all the same things holding true.