Thursday, February 7


I haven't been including much humor lately, other than my sarcastic, quirky mannerism. so here's a graph joke, and a (nonfunny) list, and I'll try to remember to make a comic everyday, how about that?

As good a time as any for my schedule:

Every day:
-Albums of the day
-A comic
Every Week:
-One Album Review(at least)
-Top and Bottom of the week lists

Unfunny list;

5 Longest band names in my music folder:
1.Thee Silver Mt Zion Memorial Orchestra And Tra la la Band
2.Congratulations on Your Decision To Become a Pilot
3.The Birds Are Spies, They Report To The Trees
4....And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
5.Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza


1 comment:

Cody S. said...

I like the list of band names haha